The Pluginkollektiv is looking for you!

Hey there, it’s us! 👋🙂

After 420 days we think it’s time for a status update of the Pluginkollektiv. To put it bluntly: we are partly satisfied with our project, and partly not.


In June 2015 we joined forces to keep Sergej Müller’s plugins accessible to the general public and to maintain them further. We’re still just a bunch of people, not an agency or something.

In retrospect, our calculation, that many people together would automatically be able to do what one person did on their own, did not really work out. We had a hard time releasing compatibility updates in time, as everyone was used to from Sergej. We are not proud of that.

At the same time, we are convinced that we have so far met a minimum requirement, namely: to be there. The support still works. And in the unlikely event that there would have been serious problems with one of the plugins, a crisis management team would have been at the start and could have remedied the situation. (As expected and fortunately, we have all been spared this scenario so far.)

Today a part of us is retiring from the project. Together we discussed how it can and should go on, but before we talk about it, first of all an update on how the Pluginkollektiv has developed in the meantime.

We started out as:

In the meantime, we’ve been joined by:

Will continue in the future:

…and you, maybe?

More people needed!

The Pluginkollektiv is looking for helping hands for support, maintenance and development especially for Antispam Bee, AntiVirus, Cachify, Statify and Crazy Lazy.

It is about plugin patronages with the following tasks:

  • Independent plugin maintenance: Edit and solve issues on GitHub, test and publish releases (Git + SVN).
  • Support via in German and English.

Of course, you don’t have to be able to do all these tasks on your own and at the same time. We appreciate continuous support assistance as much as someone with code competence who takes care of regular updates for a plugin.

First priority should be the maintenance of the plugins to ensure their continued usability (compatibility with the current WordPress version). Further development in terms of new features is optional. It is more important to maintain 1 plugin than maintaining 3 only half the way..

We are a friendly team with a slack workspace for arrangements and questions. 🙂 Otherwise we communicate via GitHub issues and in the forums of

If you know how to realistically organize your own capacities and want to help to secure the future of Antispam Bee and Co. we would be very happy about your comment or tweet (directly at Torsten) to welcome you to the Pluginkollektiv!

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