Antispam Bee
Stops comment spam.

Say Goodbye to comment spam on your WordPress blog or website. Antispam Bee stops spam comments and trackbacks effectively, without captchas and without sending personal information to third party services. It is free of charge, ad-free and 100% GDPR compliant.
Scans for suspicious code injections.

AntiVirus for WordPress is a easy-to-use, safe tool to harden your WordPress site against exploits, malware and spam injections. You can configure AntiVirus to perform an automated daily scan of your theme files and database tables. If the plugin happens to detect any suspicious code injections, it will send out a notification to a previously configured email address. In case your WordPress site has been hacked, AntiVirus will help you to become aware of the problem very quickly in order for you to take immediate action.
Provides site statistics. Privacy enabled by default

Statify provides a straightforward and compact access to the number of site views. It is privacy-friendly as it uses neither cookies nor a third party. An interactive chart is followed by lists of the most common reference sources and target pages. The period of statistics and length of lists can be set directly in the dashboard widget.
Optimizes page loads.

Cachify optimizes your page loads by caching posts, pages and custom post types as static content. You can choose between caching via database, on the web server’s hard drive (HDD), or—thanks to APC (Alternative PHP Cache)—directly in the web server’s system cache. Whenever a page or post is loaded, it can be pulled directly from the cache. The amount of database queries and PHP requests will dramatically decrease towards zero, depending on the caching method you chose.
Monitors outgoing site connections.

Network monitor for WordPress with overview of 3rd party connections for controlling and regulating data traffic from your site. Snitch writes a log of both authorized and blocked attempts of connectivity. An overall view provides transparency and allows you to control outgoing connections initialized by plugins, themes, or WordPress itself.
Save Post. Check Links.
Checks links before publishing.

Save Post. Check Links. checks internal and external links within WordPress articles. The plugin detects typing and copy & paste errors in links and image paths. The advantage: Defective website links and image references are detected before the articles are published and corrected by the author. When saving or publishing articles, the WordPress extension searches for all URLs from the content and pings them for correctness/accessibility. The plugin lists faulty links together with their cause (error code) for checking and correcting.